These are worrisome times. As diplomatic relations between the Philippines and China grow increasingly testy over a few disputed islands, feelings of nationalism are being stirred by politicians to conjure resentment towards a much larger force already at the gates.
Although both nations are free from colonial rule and have separate sovereignties, one is stepping on the other. China's sense of nationalism evokes tyrannical behavior towards weaker countries such as ours.
We could learn from the examples of the American Revolution for inspiration, and in our current plight, I feel it's appropriate to point out the importance of patriotism during these troubled times. As China continues to insult us by establishing cities within our domain, more than ever, we need patriots.
America's great men, freemasons and fathers of independence didn't won their freedom because they felt that they are better than the English, but because they believed that they are equals as "all men are created equal."
Thus, it is in the spirit of equality that the American Revolution was born and won. Taking up arms just became a necessity in order to protect that independence.
Let me point out that there are slight differences between freedom and independence. Freedom is separation, independence is control. A nation can be independent without absolute freedom.
Case in point, The British Empire. While Canada, Australia and other members of the British Commonwealth have sovereign and independent governments, they are still under the passive rule of one queen. Laws cannot be passed and elections cannot be called without the blessings of the queen through the senate and the Governor-General who represents the crown.
Jose Rizal, National Hero and Patriot |
Let me also point out the difference between nationalism and patriotism.
Nationalism gives more importance to unity by way of a cultural background, including language and heritage. This way of thinking results in valuing one's country's virtues and not it's deficiencies, creating a sense that one's country is better than any other which makes accepting criticism a difficulty.
Patriotism on the other hand pertains to the love for a nation, with more emphasis on values and beliefs. It values responsibility rather than just blind loyalty towards one’s country. Patriots believe that their country is one of the best and can be further improved in many ways.
It is through nationalism that our history experienced two world wars. Through patriotism, we ended both by defeating the ideals of racial superiority and dominance.
I call upon our leaders, our great men and women to teach the values of patriotism and to appease our resentments, but be ready, if necessary, to take up arms and lead us when the worst becomes inevitable to protect not just our territory but the collective aspirations of our people.
As a pacifist, I believe that taking up arms is an option of last resort. Resolving differences through diplomacy should be our goal of priority. We should avoid nationalistic pride to better our emotions and cloud our judgements.
Nationalism is a poison to society. Novelist George Orwell referred to it as "the worst enemy of peace." I think it's a disease that prevents a nation to reach true greatness. In the end, isn't greatness what we ultimately want for our nation?
Tale of the tape
Victor Dela Casa spent over a decade working as business professional in Canada. Worked in IT, finance, marketing, international trade, public service, project management and the maritime industry. Degree in Economics from the University of the Philippines and Honours Diploma from Eastern College.
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