2013 will be an even better year for me and my family.
With plenty of big projects in the works, a couple of job offers in consideration and business ventures in it's planning stages, 2013 is sure to be a year like no other.
Thank you Lord God for all the wonderful things you gave me. But most of all, thank you for the bad ones as it helped open my eyes to better myself and appreciate more the good things I am about to receive.
Thank you to my family, my wife, child, folks, bros (both adoptive and blood related) and my closest friends who were there to love, believe and support me through the good times and the bad ones.
Thank you to everyone else who are there to attempt to destroy me. Without you, victory will just be stale and pale.
To health, wealth and happiness, cheers everyone! Thank you 2012, welcome 2013. Happy New Year to all!
About The Author
Victor Dela Casa is a Filipino-Canadian who spent over a decade working as business professional in Canada. Worked in IT, finance, marketing, international trade, public service, project management and the maritime industry. Degree in Economics from the University of the Philippines and Honours Diploma from Eastern College.
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