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Friday, November 9, 2012

Old Hag Hilda

By Victor Dela Casa

The night was filled with dark and cold,

When Old Hag Hilda, the story's told,

Pulled on her robe and then headed out,

To harass the kids dressed like a trout.


 Upon one toddler our old crone came,

Checking his treats, she calls out by name,

Johnny! Oh Johnny! What have you got?

Candies so many in a little red pot!


Little Boy Johnny, ever so weary,

Saw Hilda's face, and it was ghastly,

Johnny stared, and stared some more,

And then he screamed like a little whore.


"Hush little baby," the crone did reply,

"I'll give you more treats if you agree to die,

I'll chop you up and cook you into a stew,

I'll serve you on a dish and then eat you."


Poor little Johnny, gathered all courage,

He may be little but he's nobody's hostage,

Johnny stuffed her mouth with candy foliage,

Old Hag Hilda choked from all that garbage.


And as the darkness took her soul away,

Our dying heroine was heard to say,

On halloween night when you venture out,

Best not to do it dressed like a trout.


Hope you enjoyed my Halloween Poem :)


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