Owners of apartment buildings are required by law to conduct yearly inspections and perform all necessary repairs to any damages and other issues in their property that could cause injuries to tenants.
There are cases however when landlords in fail to meet these basic and required obligations to their tenants. Such failure to address pertinent issues could result in a premises liability lawsuit against bad landlords.
In Austell, Georgia, tenants in an apartment complex have recently reported that they’ve been neglected and deprived of electricity for several days now. At least two tenants complained about losing electricity in their apartment unit saying that it’s no longer acceptable.
There are cases however when landlords in fail to meet these basic and required obligations to their tenants. Such failure to address pertinent issues could result in a premises liability lawsuit against bad landlords.
In Austell, Georgia, tenants in an apartment complex have recently reported that they’ve been neglected and deprived of electricity for several days now. At least two tenants complained about losing electricity in their apartment unit saying that it’s no longer acceptable.
Public housing buildings and apartments should be putting plenty of effort into ensuring the safety and well-being of their tenants and guests. There have been several cases in the past wherein lack of repair and hazardous conditions resulted in injuries and death. Victims of negligent property owners could consult with a legal professional who can explain their tenant rights in accordance to local laws.
One of the tenants without power told reporters that she had to get rid of $300 worth of groceries that only spoiled as a result of the blackout. The tenant also has an asthmatic granddaughter who relies on a nebulizer. With power out, her grandchild is at risk of complications, even death.
Another claim that she’s been without power for a week and that management moved her into another unit. The tenant however was forced to sleep on the floor and had to use a space heater to keep herself warm.
Other tenants also complained of garbage disposal in the building with trash overflowing from dumpsters and damaged rooftops with only patching work poorly done to address the problem.
The sources interviewed the building administration as well as Georgia Power. The administrators of the apartment building told reporters that issues are being addressed and will be resolved. Georgia Power, on the other hand, explained that they won’t restore power to the affected units until the apartment’s administration repairs the electrical issues. Tenants are getting impatient with some already looking to move out.
Public housing buildings and apartments should be putting plenty of effort into ensuring the safety and well-being of their tenants and guests. There have been several cases in the past wherein lack of repair and hazardous conditions resulted in injuries and death. Victims of negligent property owners could consult with a legal professional who can explain their tenant rights in accordance to local laws.
Another claim that she’s been without power for a week and that management moved her into another unit. The tenant however was forced to sleep on the floor and had to use a space heater to keep herself warm.
Other tenants also complained of garbage disposal in the building with trash overflowing from dumpsters and damaged rooftops with only patching work poorly done to address the problem.
The sources interviewed the building administration as well as Georgia Power. The administrators of the apartment building told reporters that issues are being addressed and will be resolved. Georgia Power, on the other hand, explained that they won’t restore power to the affected units until the apartment’s administration repairs the electrical issues. Tenants are getting impatient with some already looking to move out.
Public housing buildings and apartments should be putting plenty of effort into ensuring the safety and well-being of their tenants and guests. There have been several cases in the past wherein lack of repair and hazardous conditions resulted in injuries and death. Victims of negligent property owners could consult with a legal professional who can explain their tenant rights in accordance to local laws.
Keywords: premises liability lawsuit, public housing buildings and apartments, negligent property owners
About The Author
Victor Dela Casa is a Filipino-Canadian who spent over a decade working as a business professional in Canada. Worked in IT, finance, marketing, international trade, public service, project management and the maritime industry. Earned degree in Economics from the University of the Philippines and Business Administration Honours from Eastern College. Currently based in the Philippines and working as a professional writer for a multi-national business processes firm.
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